We hope everyone is staying safe during these unpredictable times ahead.
We would like to say thank you to our nurses, doctors, paramedics, aged care workers, and anyone else in the essential work field. You guys are risking your lives for us being at work during this time.
All of us are so used to being in a free country and now we have been hit with the government warnings and recommendations to stay at home in a bid to stop the spread. It is extremely hard to stay at home when we are all used to getting out and about into the world and community. You might find this time to develop new hobbies during isolation and how about those projects you have been waiting for the time to do? Now is the time to do them! You can always shop online to avoid the shops, businesses that can, are still delivering, WildAid included. Take this time to rest and relax as much as you can, maybe start planning for those trips, journeys and outings for when this is all over as something to look forward to. We will get through this as a community and as a country. Stay safe, sane and look after one and other.