
Athlete Core Stability Short Mens


BodyScience Core Shorts

The Body Science CORESHORTS represents a revolutionary integration of the latest scientific research and fabric technology to accentuate the functional anatomy of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex that integrates the entire lower back, core and hip musculature to facilitate and optimise athletic performance.

The Body Science CORESHORTS establish a new benchmark in compression garment design, combining customary Body Science targeted and graded compression garment features with an innovative BODYCORENEO2x2 band assimilated into the CORESHORTS to enhance the functional anatomy of the entire core musculature and provide optimal levels of graded compression to augment the dynamic action of the lower limb.

The BODYCORENEO2x2 groin wrap feature of the Body Science CORESHORTS provides additional targeted compression and elastic support to the groin region. This design helps to maintain muscle alignment and setting of intrinsic and extrinsic muscles to establish a stable core, through which forces can be transferred.

Utilising a 2mm Neoprene wrap fitted to the adductors of the leg, the Core Shorts provide a specific level of compression (increased pressure than usual compression shorts) to the groin region. This pressure relieves the pain and stiffness symptoms that often occur with running based athletes with tendon problems, muscle tears and sports hernias. The Neoprene material also assists with muscle heating and still employs the industry leading standard for moisture management

An increase in the development of core stability leads to improved force transference through the trunk, and decreases the load absorbed by the spine, reducing the risk of injury and providing relief of pain and stiffness commonly associated with running based activities. Increased efficiency of the core and effective kinetic chain function allows for:

– Optimal control of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex and core stability

– Improved distribution of force throughout the lower limbs, pelvis, sacro-illiac joint and lumbar spine

– Maintenance of normal musculo-skeletal force couples and length-tension relationships

– Maintenance of optimal arthrokinematics (joint mechanics) and osteokinematics (structural biomechanics)

– Optimal efficiency all core, hip and lower limb movements

– Proximal stability for movement of the upper and lower extremities

– Increased impact absorption and distribution of ground reaction forces during ambulatory movement

– Improved dynamic joint stabilisation

– Reduced compressive transitory force shear in kinetic chain movements resulting in a decrement in force development during dynamic movement

Additional features of the Body Science CORESHORTS include a reduction in muscle oscillation, improved proprioceptive feedback and an advanced fabric moisture management system. Decreased muscle oscillation (vibration) leads to a reduction in neuromuscular fatigue and exercise induced muscle damage, thereby improving performance and reducing post-exercise recovery time.

Further contribution to reduced soft tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament) injury is associated with augmented proprioception that is characteristic of the Body Science CORESHORTS, while the advanced sweat wicking technology of the CORESHORTS transports moisture away from the skin to keep athletes dry in any climate.

The underlying goal of each product in the Body Science compression range is to provide the benchmark in garment design, technology and innovation for improving athletic performance and optimising recovery.


Muscle Specific Compression:

Leg Group

HamstringA complex muscle in design, the Hamstrings consists of 3 muscles which are predominantly responsible for flexion of the knee and extension of the thigh making it a central muscle in athletic disciplines. The cut of BSc targeted compression hamstring panel has been designed to keep these 3 muscles in line and at optimal position. This allows a reduction in the delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) by accelerating the inflammatory and repair timeframe within the muscle.

QuadThe action of running involves constant movements between extension and flexion causing a great degree of oscillatory movement to occur in skeletal muscles particularly the Quadriceps as they are forced to accelerate, decelerate and absorb impact shocks. The panel arrangement implemented by BSc targeted compression garment acts to enclose each of the 4 Quadriceps muscles like a sheath significantly reducing longitudinal and anterior-posterior muscle oscillation, ultimately aiding muscle recovery post exercise.  Often problems with the knees come back to poor alignment of these muscles which eventuates with injury under fatigue. The hand crafted cut of the targeted compression garment reduces muscle and ligament strain of the knee by improving spatial awareness of the muscles and improving lactic acid removal allowing a reduction in fatigue.

GroinThe Adductors or Groin consists of 4 muscles which are responsible for Adduction, hip flexion and lateral rotation of the thigh. Groin Strains are quite common with these muscles due to muscles becoming hypertonic with use and when stretched often tear. BSc targeted compression panels have been designed to increase groin proprioception via greater feedback from skin proprioceptors as a consequence of the tactile interaction between the garments and the skin surface whiles also enhancing the core muscle temperature, ultimately resulting in fewer incidents of injury.




GlutsExplosive actions of the leg often start from the Gluteal muscle. One of the strongest muscles in the human body, special attention has been made in BSc targeted compression design in targeting this muscle group. Seam and panel alignment  provide the ultimate in compression by enhancing blood flow to the Gluteal muscle group and acting as an elastic band by providing stored potential energy in the compression garments to facilitate explosive power.




Recent research in trained athletes reported that compression garments increased VO2max by 10% and anaerobic threshold by 40% (13). Given that these two physiological variables are highly correlated to success in endurance sports compression garments may provide a significant competitive advantage for endurance athletes.


It has been suggested that excess oscillatory displacement of a muscle during a dynamic movement may contribute to fatigue and interfere with neurotransmission and optimal muscle recruitment patterns (14). Recent research reported that compression garments were able to significantly reduce longitudinal and anterior-posterior muscle oscillation by 0.32 and 0.40cm respectively upon landing from a maximal vertical jump (7).


Proprioception or joint position sense has major implications to athletic performance, particularly in the areas of technique and injury prevention. Research investigating hip joint proprioception reported significantly greater joint position sense at both 45 and 60 degrees hip flexion (11).


Explosive muscular power is highly correlated with success in most sports. Research in track and field athletes has reported a 5.2% increase in maximal vertical jump height when vertical jumps are measured wearing compression garments (7).


High intensity exercise produces lactic acid which presents a challenge to the body’s ability to maintain pH within the narrow physiological range. This in turn can negatively impact the force generating capacity of the muscle which results in muscle fatigue and impaired athletic performance. Data published by Berry and McMurray (1) showed a 14% decrease in blood lactate concentrations 15 minutes following high intensity exercise when compression garments were worn during and after exercise.


Muscle damage is an inevitable consequence of high intensity exercise and any technique that can facilitate muscle repair and faster recovery is of large benefit to the athlete. A study in elite Rugby Union players reported that compression garments worn immediately after a rugby match significantly reduced markers of muscle damage (creatine kinase) compared to passive recovery at 36 and 84 hours post match (8)


  1. Berry, M.J. McMurray, R.G. Effects of graduated compression stockings on blood lactate following an exhaustive bout of exercise. American Journal of Physical Medicine. 66:121-132, 1987
  2.  Bringard, A. S. Perrey, N. Belluye. Aerobic Energy Cost and Sensation Responses During Submaximal Running Exercise – Positive Effects of Wearing Compression Tights Int J Sports Med. 27:373-378, 2006.
  3. Caraffa, A., Cerulli, G., Projetti, M., Aisa, G., Rizzo, A. Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in soccer. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy) 4:19-21, 1996.
  4. Chatard, J.C. Atlaoui, D., Farjanel, J. Louisy, F. Rastel, D. Guezennec, C.Y. Elastic stockings, performance and leg pain recovery in 63-year-old sportsmen. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 93:347-352, 2004.
  5. Cheung, K. Hume, P. Maxwell, L. Delayed onset muscle soreness : treatment strategies and performance factors. Sports Medicine. 33:145-164, 2003.
  6. Cook, D.B., O’Connor, P.J. Eubanks, S.A. Smith, J.C. Lee, M. Naturally occurring muscle pain during exercise: assessment and experimental evidence. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 29:999-1012, 1997.
  7. Doan, B.K., Kwon, Y.H. Newton, R.U. Shim, J. Popper, E.M. Rogers, R.A. Bolt, L.R. Robertson, M. Kraemer, W.J. Evaluation of a lower-body compression garment. Journal of Sports Sciences. 21:601-610, 2003.
  8. Gill, N.D. Beaven, C.M. and Cook, C. Effectiveness of post-match recovery strategies in rugby players British Journal of Sports Medicine. 40:260-263, 2006.
  9. Kraemer, W.J., Bush, J.A., Bauer, J.A., Triplett-McBride, N.T., Paxton, N.J., Clemson, A., Koziris, L.P., Mangino, L.C., Fry, A.C., Newton, R.U. Influence of compression garments on vertical jump performance in NCAA Division I volleyball players. Journal of strength and conditioning research 10:180-183, 1996.
  10. Kraemer, W.J., Bush, J.A., Triplett-McBride, N.T., Koziris, L.P., Mangino, L.C., Fry, A.C., McBride, J.M., Johnston, J., Volek, J.S., Young, C.A., Gomez, A.L., Newton, R.U. Compression garments: influence on muscle fatigue. Journal of strength and conditioning research 12: 211-215, 1998
  11. Kraemer, W.J., Bush, J.A., Newton, R.U., Duncan, N.D., Volek, J.S., Denegar, C.R., Canavan, P., Johnston, J., Putukian, M., Sebastianelli, W.J. Influence of a compression garment on repetitive power output production before and after different types of muscle fatigue. Sports medicine, training and rehabilitation 8:163-184, 1998
  12. Kraemer, W.J., Bush, J.A., Wickham, R.B., Denegar, C.R., Gomez, A.L., Gotshalk, L.A., Duncan, N.D., Volek, J.S., Putukian, M., Sebastianelli, W.J. Influence of compression therapy on symptoms following soft tissue injury from maximal eccentric exercise. The journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 31: 282-290, 2001.
  13. Lambert, S. A crossover trial on the effects of graded compression garments exercise and recovery. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 8:S222, 2005.
  14. McComas, A.J. Skeletal Muscle: Form and Function.Champaign,IL, Human Kinetics. 1996.
  15. Parkkari, J. Kujala, U.M. Kannus, P. Is it possible to prevent sports injuries? Review of controlled clinical trials and recommendations for future work. Sports Medicine. 31:985-995, 2001.
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  17. Trenell, M.I. Rooney, K.B. Sue, C.M. and Thompson, C.H. Compression garments and recovery from eccentric exercise: A 31P-MRS study. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2006 5: 106-114.

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